ATZ Labs - a subsidiary of Life Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Life Technologies India
PhytoTechnology Laboratories

Product ID: C1759


Description: Fluorescent stain used to indicate cell wall biosynthesis for plant and fungal cells.

Solubility Soluble in NaOH, KOH; Slightly Soluble in Hot Water
Physical Form Solid
Storage Temp. Room Temperature
UPC / SKU C1759
CAS NUMBER 1390-65-4
Formula Weight 492.39
Formula C22H20O13
Storage Temp. Room Temperature
Tariff Code 3205.00.4020
No information available

C1759 Carmine

Synonyms: C.I. 75470; Cochineal; Nacarat; Natural Red 4; Crimson Lake
CAS: 1390-65-4
Formula: C22H20O13
Mol. Weight: 492.39
Form: Powder
Appearance: Red to Red-violet
Application: Histology, Cell staining
Solubility: NaOH, KOH, Slightly Soluble in Hot Water, 45% Acetic acid (Jain & Gupta, 2005)
Typical Working Concentration: Varies with application, should be determined by end user
Storage Temp: Room Temperature
Storage Temp of Stock Solution: Room Temperature

Application NotesCan be used with Evans Blue (Prod# E2799) to stain cells for somatic embryogenesis observation; Gupta & Durzan (1987) used a 2% acetocarmine solution (carmine dissolved in 45% acetic acid in water) in conjunction with a 0.5% strength Evans Blue stain.

Gupta PK and Durzan DJ (1987) Biotechnology of somatic polyembryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in loblolly pine. Bio/Tech 5:147-151. 28. Jain SM & PK Gupta (eds) (2005) Protocol for Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants. 573-575 Springer.Netherlands.